Inventory Adjustment Reason Codes can be used to indicate why inventory was adjusted. It may be when a part was returned into stock or to a vendor or when making adjustments to inventory quantity and price.
For more information, see Part Inventory Adjustment and Part Return.
To create a new Inventory Adjustment Reason, click in the blank Reason Code field and enter a new code. This field has a limit of four characters.
Next, enter a description in the Description field for the Inventory Adjustment Reason, this field has a limit of 20 characters.
For example: DEF – Defective, EIE – Entered in Error, CCA – Cycle Count Adjustment.
Once your entry is complete, click the Save button at the top of the frame. The Inventory Adjustment Reason will now be available for use.
You can only modify the description of an existing code. Once the code has been created and saved the Reason Code field is read-only.
To change a description, click in the Description of the code you want to change and type the new description over the old one. Click the Save button. The record will update to reflect the change.
To disable an Inventory Adjustment Reason, check the Disable box in the row of the code you want to disable. Click the Save button. The code will no longer be available for use in the system.
You can only delete an Inventory Adjustment Reason provided it is not in use anywhere in the system. IF the code is in use, you will not be able to delete it.
To delete a code, click in the row of the Adjustment Reason you want to delete to make it active. Click the Delete button. The row will turn red. Click Save. The record will be removed from the list of codes and will no longer be available for use in the system.
Send to NAPA
The Send to NAPA flag is used to indicate if a part adjustment should be written to the NAPA Interface table when that Adjustment Reason is used for a transaction.
System Flags
5253 – Default Reason for Adjusting Associated Parts – the value entered here by the user will be the default for the Inventory Adjustment Reason when associated parts are adjusted.
Role Privileges
UPDATE PART INVENTORY – gives the user authority to update part inventory.
Last Update: 06/06/2016
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.