The Part Inventory Adjustment frame allows you to make changes to the parts inventory after the results of a physical inventory count or to reconcile inventory levels for administrative purposes. Adjustments can be made to the quantity or price for parts at any valid inventory location.
To make an adjustment, enter the part number or double click in the number field to select one from the List of Values. By default, the location you are currently logged into will be the location on this frame. To change locations, you must log into the location for which you want to make the adjustment.
After selecting the part number, you must enter a valid Reason Code. These codes are setup and maintained on the Inventory Adjustment Reasons frame. Next you must enter a valid inventory employee from Employee Main.
You can now adjust the Quantity on Hand or the Pricing Method. Enter the values you wish to adjust the quantity and/or price to and then click the Save button at the top of the frame to make the adjustment.
You can also add notes to the adjustment in the free form Notes field at the bottom of the frame .
For more details see the Inventory Application User Training Guide.
Last Update: 08/19/2016
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Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.