The Item Master Definition frame allows you to create and maintain a list of data items that can be assigned to the system records on the various item frames for a wide range of modules.
How to:
Select Type from the Item Selection list. The Item Information i-frame displays.
Enter a new item code in the blank Item field. Limited to 24 characters.
Select Type from the drop-down list.
Enter or select the applicable fields.
Select SAVE.
Select Type from the Item Selection list. The Item Information i-frame displays.
Change Mandatory
Item, Validated Value,
Range (unit only), or
Default Value fields, as applicable.
Note: You are unable to change
Item and Type
fields for created and saved items.
Select SAVE.
Select Type from the Item Selection list.
Select the Item row.
Select the Disabled checkbox.
Select SAVE.
Select Type from the Item Selection list.
Select the Item row.
Select Delete. The fields highlight red.
Note: You can delete items that are in use on records in the system, but this may impact your data. It is recommended that you disable the item, if possible.
You can select a module from the Type drop-down menu.
You can require specific information for data items that must be entered and will be validated by the system. For example, when creating a new employee profile on Employee Main, you may make the entry of an internal employee code mandatory. You would define the internal employee code on this frame as an Employee item.
Unit Type
The Decimal column displays within the Unit Item Information i-frame.
Select or create a new unit Item.
Select Number as the Type.
Enter a value in the Decimal field (for example, 3).
Enter the Default Value (for example, 1.333).
Select SAVE.
Default Value, Minimum Value, and Maximum Value fields only allow the number of decimal places defined in Decimal. For example, the decimal value is 3, you can enter 1.333.
You can enter less than the number of decimal places defined in Decimal.
A system error message displays when you exceed the number of decimal places defined in Decimal.
The defined decimal values appear on the Unit Items frame.
The Decimal column and defined values appear on the Unit Items and Screen Designer frames.
Screen Designer Frame - The decimal value was added for single and multiple unit items.
The Notes column displays within the Unit Item Information i-frame for unit type items.
Select the unit Item.
Select the Notes icon. The Unit Item Note Editor window displays.
Enter notes for a new item or update notes for an existing item. Limited to 4,000 characters.
Select OK.
The Notes column is read-only on the Unit Items and Screen Designer frames.
On the Unit Item frame, notes for individual items only can be accessed.
The Attachment column displays within the Unit Item Information i-frame for unit type items.
Select the unit Item.
Select the Attachment icon. The Show Attachments window opens.
Select the link to:
Attach a new file
Attach a web address
Attach a previously uploaded file or web address
Attach multiple attachments
Select OK.
You can add single or multiple attachments to an item.
The Restrictions column displays within the Unit Item Information i-frame for unit type items.
Select the unit Item.
Select the Restrictions link. The Unit Item Restrictions window opens.
Select >> to move unit items to the Restricted column. For example, move a Valid MCC Code to Restricted MCC's.
Select SAVE.
Close the window to return to the Item Master Definition frame.
The Restrictions link highlights red after you save a restriction an unit item.
Department Groups follow the Using department on Unit Main.
A restricted item cannot be manually entered after it is saved.
System Flags
System Flag 5327 -Use Yard Management Item Translations? (Y/N) - Setting this flag to "Y" will control the ability to flag Unit and Department items as Yard Management items from the Item Master Definition Frame. Flagging an item as Yard Management will require the item to be validated. The valid item list will then display a new column to hold the Yard Management translation value.
System Flag 5363 - Use FSS translation? (Y/N) - Setting this flag to "Y" will control the ability to flag Unit items as FSS Management items from the Item Master Definition Frame. Flagging an item as FSS Management will require the item to be validated. The valid item list will then display a new column to hold the FSS Management translation value.
Last Update: 06/06/2016, 03/2023
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.