Work Accomplished Codes

Work Accomplished Codes (WAC) indicate the action of a job performed by a technician (for example, inspect, repair, or replace). Work Accomplished Codes are the first, two character segment of the job codes entered on Work Request Main or Work Order Main frames, or elsewhere in the system.


Industry Standards exist for these codes, however you can define your own codes to meet organizational needs.


How to:

Create a Work Accomplished Code

  1. Enter a new code in the blank WAC field.
    Note: Limited to 2 characters.

  2. Select the applicable flag checkbox.

  3. Select Preparatory Work, if applicable.

  4. Enter a Time Type and description.

  5. Select Save.

Modify a Work Accomplished Code

  1. Select the WAC row.
  2. Select the applicable flag checkbox.
  3. Change Preparatory Work, Time Type, or Description.
  4. Select Save.

Note: When you select Save, the WAC field is read-only.

Disable a Work Accomplished Code

  1. Select the WAC row.
  2. Select the Disabled checkbox.
  3. Select Save.

Delete a Work Accomplished Code

  1. Select the WAC row.
  2. Select Delete. The system highlights the Time Type and Description fields red.
  3. Select Save.

Note: You can only delete a WAC when it is not used on other tables in the system.

Work Accomplished Codes Flags

You can select the flag checkbox for work accomplished codes.


Flag Description
Disabled Select the checkbox to disable the work accomplished code from being used.
Use for Rebuilding Components Select the checkbox if you want the WAC to be used in the component rebuilding process.
Ignore Warranty Violations Select the checkbox to ignore possible warranty violations on jobs with this WAC.
Ignore Repeat Repairs Select the checkbox to ignore repeat repairs on jobs with this WAC.
Show Short Lists Select the checkbox for the codes to display on the Direct Invoice Entry and Vendor Service Codes frames.

Restrictions (link)

The Restrictions link displays the Work Accomplished Codes window that allows you to view the WAC code restrictions.  


WAC can be restricted by:

After you update a restriction, select x to return to the Work Accomplished Codes frame.

Preparatory Work

You can select None, Acquisition, or Disposal from the drop-down.

For example, if you select Acquisition, the charges associated with a job with this WAC will accumulate to the unit's acquisition prep costs and the units total depreciable value.

Time Type

Enter a Time Type or from the Time Type Matrix (Base Pay) List. These codes are setup and maintained on the Time Type Matrix frame.


The description of the action code (for example, REPAIR).

Note: Limited to 12 characters.


System Flag


Flag No. Description Notes


Use enhanced Repeat Repair system? Use enhanced Repeat Repair system.



See also:

Direct Invoice

Time Type Matrix

Vendor Service Codes

Work Order Main

Work Request Main


Last Update: 09/01/2016                 03/2023




NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.