The Tank Group frame allows you to create and define a “virtual” tank consisting of multiple physical tanks at a fueling location. Your fuel farm might consist of multiple tanks for the same product and this frame gives you the ability to manage the full capacity of the common product tanks as a single tank group.
The Tank Group Number is the Master Tank (M) and the individual physical tanks are the Sub-Tanks (S) on the Product Setup Tanks frame for the specific fuel location where the tank group resides. You must first setup the physical tanks on the Product Setup Tanks frame before you can assign them to a tank group. `
To create a new tank group, enter the fuel location for the group. This must be a valid location from Location Main that has been designated as a fuel location.
Enter a new group number in the Tank Group Number field; this field has a limit of two characters. If the number does not exist, you will receive a prompt to confirm that you want to create the new group. Click 'Create' to confirm.
Next enter a valid type from Product Setup Tank Types, or double click in the field to select a Tank Type from the list of values (LOV). All tanks you want to include in the group must share the same tank type.
In the Account Number field, enter a valid Indirect Account for fuel charges. On the Indirect Account Codes frame, this code must have the flag box to allow fuel charges checked.
Enter a valid product number in the Product field. The tanks you want to group together must also dispense the same product number.
After entering the product number and tabbing off the field, a list of available tanks that you can group together will display on the 'Tanks Not Included' list.
Use the >> button to move tanks over to the 'Tanks In Group' list on the right side of the frame. After you are finished selecting the tanks, click the 'Save' button at the top of the frame.
Note: Once a tank is part of a group, it cannot be added to another Tank Group. It also impacts what information you can edit for that tank number on the Product Setup Tanks frame. Tanks that are part of a group will display as read-only on the Product Setup Tanks frame.
To modify a Tank Group, enter the Location and Tank Group Number Values to load the data on the frame.
After you finish making any necessary changes, such as the Account Number or adding/removing tanks from the group, click the 'Save' button to update the Tank Group record.
You can delete a tank group provided you have removed all tanks from the group by moving them over to the 'Tanks Not Included' list (use the << button).
Click the 'Delete' button at the top of the frame. You will receive a prompt asking you if you are sure you want to delete the tank group. Click 'Delete' to confirm the action.
Last Updated: 11/16/2016
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