Product Setup Tanks

After defining your Product and Tank Type codes, the Product Setup Tanks frame allows you to establish the relationship between user-defined tank numbers and the products they store at your Fuel Locations. These tanks may hold gas, diesel, oil or other consumable products.


How to:

Create a New Tank

To create a new tank at a given location:


  1. Within the Location Information section, enter the fueling location you are adding the product to in the Fuel Location field, or select from the Master List of Fuel Locations list of values. Your sign in location is the default value.

  2. In a blank Tank No field enter a new tank number. This field is limited to two digits. The Group Type and Tank Group fields are read-only and automatically display if and when the tank number becomes part of a Tank Group. Note: Tanks with a Group Type value of S are Sub-Tanks in a group and tanks with a value of M are Master Tanks for the Tank Group.

  3. Enter a valid Product in the Product No field or select from the Product Code List. The Product Description automatically displays.

  4. Enter the tank type associated with this tank in the Type field or select from the Tank Type List. Note: You must first create and define these types on the Product Setup Tank Types frame.

  5. The Type Description field refers to the Additional Notes section on the Product Setup Tank Types frame.

  6. In the Adj Account field enter a valid Indirect Account for fuel charges. The Account Description automatically displays. This account number is used to charge the potential quantity-on-hand discrepancy when an inventory is done for this product.

  7. The EVR II Enforced checkbox indicates Enhanced Vapor Recovery status on the tank. Select the checkbox if this is to be enforced on a particular tank.

  8. Select the SAVE button when you are finished setting up the tank or tanks for the fueling location.

Modify Tanks

To make modifications to a tank or tanks at a location:


  1. Enter or select the Fuel Location to load the list of tanks.

  2. You can modify the Product No, Type, Adj Account, and EVR II Enforced checkbox, as applicable.

  3. When finished, select the SAVE button to update the record.


Delete a Tank

You can delete a tank from a fueling location provided that tank is not in use on any other tables in the system (for example, part of a tank group).


  1. To delete a tank that is not in use elsewhere, select the row of the Tank No you want to delete to make it active.

  2. Select the DELETE button. The selected row highlights red.

  3. Select the SAVE button to remove the record from the list.


Tank Numbers

In the Tank No field it is preferred that you enter a leading zero for tank numbers 1-9 (for example, enter 01-09).


See also:

Fuel Process User Guide




Last Updated: 11/28/2016, 09/2024




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