The Availability Unit Confirmation frame allows you to confirm the number of units that are out of service for the selected Operational Entity, Operational Line and Confirm Date.
The ability to enter this confirmation count requires a specific role privilege. The date is also controlled by System Flag 2052 and the configuration of the Operational Line set up in Availability Line Codes.
If the number of Units Out Of Service is different than what the system calculates a message will be displayed. The count cannot be saved until the number of Units Out Of Service being entered match what the system calculates.
Multiple confirmations can be made for a particular Operational Entity and Line as long as the date and time fall within the appropriate range.
System Flags
2033 - Availability Reporting Entity Label - Unit Availability By entering a label here, the user is indicating how the name should appear for either column headings within reports or the search criteria within the Unit Availability Report frame. The default is "Using Depart".
2034 - Availability Reporting Rollup Entity - Unit Availability - This flag determines to which level of the organization (as determined in Department Corporate Hierarchy.) the reports will roll up. The default value is 1, which is from the Department Main frame.
2038 - Show insufficient unit availability warning Y)es, N)o, or J)ustify to continue? - Show insufficient unit availability warning Y)es, N)o, or J)ustify to continue. Setting this flag to "N" will show no message even if unit availability becomes insufficient. Setting this flag to "Y" or "J" will force a popup warning in Availability Requirements upon saving changes. Availability Requirements example: "Unit availability is below the requirement for DISPATCH 14606, Operational Class C, Operational Line CITY-PM, because the requirement has been raised." In the above example, DISPATCH is set in module flag 2033, 14606 is the owning department number, C is the Operational Class and CITY-PM is the Operational Line.
2040 - Prompt for Operational Status from Work Order Process? (Y/N) - If N, the user will be returned to the work order main frame displaying the current work order. If Y, the availability unit status frame will appear, allowing the user to view the current status of the unit and/or update the status. This operates per work order, not per job..
2042 - Require EST DAYS OOS in Availability Unit Status? (Y/N) - Unit Availability Require Est Days OOS in Availability Unit Status? Setting this flag to "Y", will force the user to enter the estimated days that they believe the unit will be out of service in the Availability Unit Status. "Y" is the default.
2052 - Allow Availability Unit Confirmation on a holiday/weekend? (Y/N) - Unit Availability "Allow Availability Unit Confirmation on a holiday/weekend". Setting this flag to "Y" allows the user to enter confirmation counts in Availability Unit Confirmation on holidays and weekends.
2128 - Unit Availability is maintained for Non-Revenue Units? (Y/N) - Setting this flag to "Y" enables Unit Availability and Operational Class to be maintained for Non-Revenue Units.
5072 - Default Operational Status Code - If using the Unit Availability module, the user can set a default "valid" operational status for all new units. Default value is 'AVL'.
5075 - Advanced Availability? A - Advanced, L- Limited, S- Standard - When set to "A" advanced unit availability warning messages will display. The operational status frame cannot be closed by the user when opening a new work order and the unit will automatically be set back to available when closing a work order. In addition when taking a unit out of service the user will be prompted to open a work order. When set to "L" limited unit availability the operational status frame can be closed by the user without changing the operational status. When set to "S" standard unit availability the operational status frame cannot be closed by the user without changing the operational status when a work order is opened. Also, when the user completes or closes the work order they will also be prompted to change the operational status.
5086 - Estimated OOS format? (1 - OOS by Day, 2 - OOS by Date) - If set to "1", the user will only have the ability to enter the estimated OOS days as an integer value from the Availability Unit Status frame. The estimated complete field will be protected and entry will not be allowed. This integer value will be used to calculate the estimated OOS complete date. If set to "2", the user will only have the ability to enter the estimated complete OOS date from the Availability Unit Status frame. The estimated OOS days field will be protected and entry will not be allowed. This date value will be used to calculate the estimated OOS days.
5087 - Journal OOS and Estimated Complete Changes? (1 - Do Not Journal, 2 - Journal) - If set to "1", Unit Availability will journal operational status history changes based on an update to the Status, OOS days or effective date. All other modifications will update the existing operational status history record. If set to "2", Unit Availability will journal operational status history changes for every change. No update to existing records will take place.
5328 - Create separate OSH row for all open WOs when multiple open WOs exist? (Y/N) - If the flag is set to "Y", the Availability Unit Status screen will show for any newly opened WO; if the flag is set to "N", the Availability Unit Status screen will only show for the first newly opened WO. If flag is set to "Y", the value of module flag 5075 must be set to "A" and the value of module flag 5087 must be set to "2".
5331 - Require comment on Availability Unit Status Popup Screen? (Y/N) - If the flag is set to "Y", M5 will require comment on Availability Unit Status Popup screen.
5335 - Display disposition description on Unit Availability query screens? (Y/N) - Set to N, it will display disposition code on Unit Availability query screens, and set to Y, it will display the disposition code description.
5371 - Force the Availability Unit Status Popup when Availability Status is Still AVL? (Y/N) - Default will be 'N', If set to 'Y', force the Availability Unit Status screen to display for an open Work Order when the unit availability status is still AVL.
Role Privileges
UNITAVAIL-BACKDATE - Authority to backdate the effective date on the Availability Unit Status page.
UNITAVAIL-COMMENTS - Authority to enter comments on the Availability Unit Status page.
UNITAVAIL-CONFIRMCT - Authority to confirm the count on Availability Confirmation Count page.
UNITAVAIL-JUSTIFY - Authority to override the below requirements message. Must be set in relationship to System flag 2038.
UNITAVAIL-OPERSTAT - Authority to change operational status, effective date, est. days OOS and comments on the Availability Unit Status page.
Last Updated 08/23/2017
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.