Warranty Claim Manager

The Warranty Claim Manager frame allows you to create a warranty claim to send to a vendor for work that was performed under the terms of a covered product or service warranty.

How to:

Create a Warranty Claim

  1. Select Warranty Claim, Core Claim, Subrogation, or Third Party.
  2. Enter a Vendor No or select from the List of Values.
  3. Select New Claim No.  
    Note: Enter a manual claim number if system flag 5093 is Y.
  4. Enter a Wo No or select from the Work Order Search list.  
    Note:The Action Required displays when other claims for the same work order have been submitted.
  5. Enter Process Employee when system flag 5098 is Y.
  6. Select Save. The Claim Status is Built.

Claim Information

Category The claim Category codes are created and maintained on the Claim Category Definition frame.
System Flag 5114 Determines if the warranty processing level is Summary or Detail. When system flag 5114 is D, the summary screen is read-only.
System Flag 5257 If system flag 5257 is Y, a valid warranty claim type is required.

Claim Detail window

You can view the Claim Detail window when you:


You can view the claim details for a single job and update claimed amounts when you select the Job link.

The claim amount is entered from the Claim Detail frame. You can enter the claim amount and agreed amount or select FULL CLAIM OR FULL AGREE.

Status and Dates

Negotiate You can select the Negotiate checkbox after you communicate with the vendor or manufacturer about the warranty claim. The Claim Status changes to Negotiate. The default date is the current date.
Select the Job link to enter the claim details for each warranty transaction you are claiming. You can select Full Claim to populate the Amount column value in the Claim Amount field.
Authorize After negotiations with the vendor, you can enter the Summary Agreed Amount and select the Authorize checkbox. The Claim Status changes to Authorize. The default date is the current date.
Cancel Select the Cancel checkbox to cancel a claim. The Action Required window opens, select Proceed to confirm the cancellation, and then select Save.
Denied The vendor can deny a claim. If the vendor denies a warranty claim, select the Denied checkbox. The Claim Status changes to Denied. The default date is the current date.
You must enter a reason in the Denied Rsn field. You can enter a reason code or select one from the Claim Denied Code List.
Invoice When your organization receives the agreed dollar amount from the vendor or manufacturer, select the Invoice checkbox to credit the work order. The credit appears on the Commercial tab of Work Order Main after you select the Invoice checkbox, and then Save. The Claim Status changes to Invoice. The default date is the current date.


Charge Type

During the build process, the following six charges types can be claimed.

Claim Type

The claim type indicates the type of claim.

Notes icon

You select the Notes icon to enter, lock, and change notes. The Warranty Notes window opens for you to enter notes for:


You can enter all job notes and 3C notes in the free-form field.


System flag 5522 controls when you select Notes, the notes for the job display all job notes and 3C notes associated with the job on a new frame.


Generate Invoice Documents

You can generate the Generate Warranty Claim Invoice Documents report to email directly to the vendor. Also, you can print the report, as applicable.


To generate the report, from the MORE option (drop-down or icon) select Claim Report. The Generate Warranty Claim Invoice Documents window opens.

You can select to:

and then select Schedule Print/Email Request. The system generates a message indicating the report is scheduled to print.


System Flags

Flag No. Description Notes
5001 Adopting 3-char SYSTEM code/10-char JOB code? This flag allows the user to define how they wish their job codes to display. If "Y", a 3-char system code is needed with the job code like 02-013-001. If "N" (the default), M5 utilizes the standard job code like 02-13-001.
5010 Client Prefix Code This system flag sets the Client Prefix Code, usually set by AssetWorks.
5093 Auto-generate claim number for warranty claim? (Y/N) If flag is set to 'Y', both Warranty Claim and Core Claim Manager will automatically generate the next sequential claim number. When set to 'N', the user can enter any alphanumeric claim number in the Claim No. field.
5098 Require Employee Number from the Warranty Claim Manager? (Y/N) If flag is set to 'Y', the Employee Number field will be required on both Warranty Claim and Core Claim Manager.
5114  Warranty processing level, S)ummary,
or D)etail
This flag specifies the level of warranty claim processing:  S - Summary, D - Detail.
5121 Show claim amount with markup?(Y/N) Warranty - In Warranty Claim Manager - display original transaction cost with or without markup (Y or N).
5256 Require notes when changing claim status -- 0), 1), 2), 3) and 4) This module flag takes effect in the warranty claim screen when changing claim status: When it is set to 0, no notes required when changing status; When it is set to 1, negotiate note is required when changing status to Negotiate; When it is set to 2, negotiate and authorize notes are required when changing status to Authorize; When it is set to 3, negotiate, authorize and invoice notes are required when changing status Invoice; When it is set to 4, negotiate, authorize and denied/invoice notes are required when changing status to Denied or Invoice.
5257 Enforce Category on WARRANTY CLAIM MANAGER? (Y/N) By setting this flag to "Y", the Category field on warranty claim will become a mandatory field.
5258 Add rows to WARRANTY CLAIM MANAGER (Y/N)? By setting this flag to "Y", M5 will allow the user to add a row to warranty claim without having to create 0 cost job lines on the commercial tab.
5278 Require 3C warranty notes on Warranty Claim Manager? (Y/N) Setting this flag to Y will require that the users enter Complaint Notes, Cause Notes and Correction Notes on Warranty Claim Manager screen, when a warranty claim status is changed to negotiate, authorized and/or invoice, but exclude if the status is changed to denied or cancel, regardless if the job itself has been flagged with a warranty violation.
5522 Use Standard/Separate WO/Job/Warranty Notes? (Y/N)

When set to N, the notes icon on the Job lines of WO Main, WO Express, and/or Commercial

Work Order job lines and the Add Job Notes link via Labor Wedge will be used to show all job notes AND 3C notes associated to that job on a new frame, which will also include the new ‘Print’ functionality. The Warranty Notes icon and frame will still be available, as before, which should be used if users wish to cancel the Warranty.


Role Privileges

Role No. Privilege Description
129 EDIT INVOICE CLAIM Allows a user to edit an invoiced warranty claim.
187 CREATE WARR CLAIM Allows a user to create warranty claim on Warranty Claim Manager.
188 CREATE CORE CLAIM Allows user to create core claim on Warranty Claim Manager.
189 CREATE SUBRO CLAIM Allows user to create subrogation claim on Warranty Claim Manager.
190 CREATE 3RD PARTY CLM Allows user to created 3rd party claim on Warranty Claim Manager.


See also:

Claim Category Definition

Claim Denied Codes

Vendor Main

Work Order Main

Warranty Management User Guide



Last Updated: 02/24/2017 , 07/2023





NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.