Accident Entry

The Accident Entry frame allows you to view and create specific accident details for a single unit. Information such as driver name, insurance information, location of the accident, cause, police report details, weather conditions and more can all be tracked using the Accident Entry frame.


To create a new Accident entry, select the Add Accident button in the Accident Information section to generate a NEW accident record. To view or modify an existing entry, enter the Accident Number or select from the Accident List of Values (LOV) by double-clicking in the Accident field or by selecting the Find button at the top of the frame.


If you want to delete an accident, type in the accident number or select it from the list of values. The Delete button will become active. Select the Delete button, then SAVE.


Note: An accident cannot be deleted if it is associated with any work requests or work orders.


Unit Information


After you create a new accident entry and enter a unit number, the unit’s VIN Number, Owning and Using departments, and license information will populate on the Unit Information tab.


If the unit has a valid, active operator assigned to it on Unit Main the Operator, Name, and Operator Department fields will populate as well. If the unit does not have an operator assigned to it, you can enter one or one can be selected from the Active Operators list of values (LOV) by double-clicking in the Operator field or selecting the Find button at the top of the frame.


After entering the unit information, driver information can be entered. Aside from the Country and State fields, everything in this section is free form. The driver’s license number, contact information and supervisor can be entered here.


Next, you can enter basic insurance information. The Company, Policy Number, and Contact Phone fields are all free form.


In the Trip Question section there are five questions related to possible driver infractions. Select any that apply to answer Yes to that question.


The Trip section of the Unit Information tab allows you to track where and when the driver started their trip and where they were going when the accident occurred. The Purpose field is a free form note field that holds up to 255 characters, including spaces.


Accident Detail


The Accident Detail tab allows you to enter some of the specific details about the accident. In the Location section you can enter the date and time of the accident, the address, city, state, zip and country.


This is also where you will enter the Accident Type and Accident Cause codes. A type of accident may be ‘RE’ for Rear-End Crash and an accident cause may be something like ‘WEA’ for Weather or ‘FOG’ for foggy conditions. These codes can be set up and defined on the Accident Types and Accident Cause frames.


You can select the Accident Description hyperlink to enter any additional notes about the accident. Note: You must save the accident entry so that an Accident Number is generated in M5 for before you can select the Accident Description hyperlink and enter and save notes.


Weather and road conditions can also be added to the accident detail in the Condition section. Weather Condition, Road Condition, and Visibility are all free form fields. Each has a limit of 100 characters.


There are three check boxes that correspond to additional questions about the accident. Seat Belt Used? Personal Injury? Fatalities? Select the checkbox to the right of the question to answer Yes.


If the accident involves a Police Report, details of the report can be entered in the Police Information section. Select the checkbox to the right of “Police Report?” to indicate there is a police report for the accident.


The Report No., (Police) Department, and Officer Name fields are all free form fields. You can also enter the address of the Police Department that responded to the accident.


There are options to indicate if any kind of Sobriety Test was given to the driver. Enter the Date Cleared if the driver was cleared of any wrong doing.


Beneath the Police Information section you can enter basic witness information in the witness section such as Name, Address, Phone number, and whether they were a Victim, Witness, or Passenger. You can also enter more detailed information such as the vehicle they were in, their Position in the vehicle, any injuries that may have resulted from the accident, if they had to be transported anywhere (like the hospital), and date of death. There is also a free form note field at the end of each witness record.  


Unit Damage


Any insurance claim that results from an accident can be recorded and tracked here. After the Claim Number has been entered, you can select a claim status from the Status dropdown (Pending, Claimed, and Unclaimed).


You can then enter any estimated repair costs in the Estimate Repair field. You can select Write Off or Buy Back from the dropdown. If you select Buy Back, you can enter the amount in the Buy Back Amount field. This dropdown is for general reporting purposes only.


The Subrogation Amount refers to the amount that one entity (for example, your insurance company) pays out that is actually owed by another entity. Usually, this is the last part of the claims process and typically involves the two insurance companies involved in the claim.


If there is any amount that another part involved in the accident is responsible for, you can enter that amount in the Other Party Actual field.


Total Accident Repair Cost will update to reflect the total costs of the work order(s) associated with the accident.


To add additional notes about the insurance claim or unit damage, select the Damage Note hyperlink. This is a free form field.


Note: Like the Accident Description hyperlink, the accident entry must be saved so that an Accident Number is generated before this note can be added to the record.


After the Accident Entry has been saved and an Accident Number has been generated, it can then be associated with a Work Order for the unit involved in the accident in one of three ways.


In the Work Order section you can double-click in the Work Order field to bring up the list of open work orders for the unit in question and select one or more work orders from the list to associate with the accident number.


Another option is to add the accident number directly to the job on Work Order Main.


The third way is to create a work request that is tied to the accident and then add it to an open work order.


Vendor Estimate


The Vendor Estimate section allows you to track any estimates given by vendors for repairs related to the accident.


After selecting a valid, active vendor you can then enter a Reference Number for the entry, an Estimate Date and then any Labor Hours or Labor Cost, along with Part Costs, Commercial Costs, and any Miscellaneous Costs or Tax associated with the repair estimate.


You can also select the Attach button to add or view any attachments associated with the Vendor Estimate.


You can select the Award checkbox to indicate the Vendor has been awarded the repair.


Work Requests


On the Work Request tab you can view work requests tied to the accident number or use the hyperlink to create a work request from the accident number.


To create a work request, select the Make This Accident into a Work Request hyperlink below the i-frame. Work Request Main opens. You can then create a new Work Request for any jobs related to the accident. You can then add the work request to an open work order which will then be tied to the accident number.


Screen Designer


For customers who have purchased the Screen Designer license, the Accident Entry frame can customized and edited to maximize its value to your organization.

Here is a brief look at additional controls available with Screen Designer for the Accident Entry frame:



You will also have the ability to implement Accident Category codes on the Accident Information/Key Block control. This can be useful for classifying the importance or severity of certain accidents. For example Class 1 Accident, Class 2 Accident, etc.


With Screen Designer, you also have the option to create an Accident Entry frame using the Department foundation instead of the Unit foundation. The Accident Entry – Department frame can be used to track non-vehicle related accidents such as shop or work place accidents.


System Flags


5194 – Validate Accident Number on Job (Y/N) – If “Y,” the accident number must be a valid accident number created in the table ACCIDENT_MAIN. If this flag is “N,” the user can enter the accident number as a free form field.


5195 – Number of Days Back for Accidents – On the Job Entry screen, show accidents with the number of days back. For example, if set to 30, accidents entered within the last 30 days will be shown in the list of values.


5196 – Enter Accident Number for a Job: A)lways, O)ption, N)ever – This flag is used to warn the user to enter an accident number for any accident job reason. It determines if an accident number is required upon the entry of an accident type job reason code.


5505 - Allow Multiple Operators? (Y/N) - Setting this flag to Y will provide users additional fields in the Unit Main Operator control.  The data entered will be validated (or not) based on the setting of System Flag 2010 (Validate User/Operator as a valid Employee ID).


Role Privileges


ACCIDENT-DELETE – allows the user to delete an Accident on the Accident Entry frame. The accident can only be deleted if it has not been associated with a work order.


VIEW ALL ACCIDENTS – if the application user does not have this privilege they will only be able to view the accidents they created.



Last Update: 06/11/2020



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.