The Core Claim Manager frame allows you to create a core credit claim for a core that has been returned to a vendor. It functions the same way that a warranty claim does. For more details please see the Warranty Claim Manager.
To start a new Core Claim, enter a valid Vendor Number from Vendor Main and click on the New Claim button. If System Flag 5093 is set to 'N', you can enter a claim number manually. See the System Flags section below for more information.
Enter the Work Order Number that contains the core charges being claimed or double click in the field to select a Work Order Number from the list of values (LOV). A popup message will appear if there are other claims against that work order. The Claim Status field will display as 'BUILT'.
If System Flag 5098 is set to 'Y', Process Employee will be a required field. These Claim Category Codes are created and maintained on the Claim Category Definition frame.
After having a discussion or dialogue with the vendor regarding the core claim, you can move the claim's status to 'Negotiate' by checking the Negotiate flag in the Status and Dates section. The current date will default in the date field next to the flag.
Click on the Job Code hyperlink to enter the Claim Details for each core charge transaction being claimed. You can click the Full Claim button to pull the value in the Amount column into the Claim Amount field.
After negotiations with the vendor, you can enter the Agreed Amount on the claim and you can change the status to 'Authorize' by checking the Authorize flag box in the Status and Dates section. The current date will default in the date field next to the flag.
When your organization receives the claim dollars from the vendor, you can update the claim to 'Invoice' status in order to credit the work order. The credit will appear on the Commercial tab of Work Order Main once you check the Invoice flag and save the claim.
To cancel a claim, check the Cancel flag in the Status and Dates section. You will receive a popup asking if you are sure you want to cancel the claim. Click Proceed to confirm the action and click the Save button.
The vendor can also deny the claim. If the vendor decides to deny a core claim, check the Denied flag in the Status and Dates section. You will also be required to enter a Denied Reason in the field below the Category field.
You can enter a code or select one from the list of values (LOV). You can create and maintain these codes on the Claim Denied Codes frame.
System Flags
5093 - Require Employee Number from the Warranty Claim Manager? (Y/N) - If flag is set to 'Y', both Warranty Claim and Core Claim Manager will automatically generate the next sequential claim number. When set to 'N', the user can enter any alphanumeric claim number in the Claim No. field.
5098 - Require Employee Number from the Warranty Claim Manager? (Y/N) - If flag is set to 'Y', the Employee Number field will be required on both Warranty Claim and Core Claim Manager.
5114 - Warranty processing level, S)ummary, or D)etail - This flag specifies the level of warranty claim processing: S - Summary, D - Detail.
For more information see the Core Processing Overview Reference Guide.
Last Update: 06/28/2016
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.