The Product Setup Unit frame allows you to associate a product from Product Main to a specific unit. First, you must setup the products on this frame before you can issue the product to the unit. You can create these associations manually on the unit or you can copy from the unit's tech spec.
To setup products for a unit, enter a valid unit from Unit Main or double-click in the field to select one from the List of Values. Press tab or enter. If the unit does not have any products setup, you will receive a prompt to copy products from the unit's tech spec.
Enforce Valid Meter - Select the checkbox to enforce that the meter entry follows basic M5 meter checks.
Restrict to Shift - Select the checkbox to restrict fueling to a unit's designated shift.
Employee Required - Select the checkbox to require an employee id at time of Product Issue.
Retry Meter 1 Count - If the Enforce Meter checkbox is selected, the user will get X amount of retries to enter a valid meter. If they do not enter a valid meter within the value entered, fuel will be denied.
Retry Meter 2 Count - If the Enforce Meter checkbox is selected, user will get X amount of retries to enter a valid meter. If they do not enter a valid meter within the value entered, fuel will be denied.
Validate Employee - Select the checkbox to validate an employee id at time of product issue.
Product Edit Mode - The default is Manual which allows you to manually add products to the unit. Copy from Techspec allows you to select which products you want to copy from the unit's Tech Spec.
Prod No - Enter a valid product from Product Main or double-click in the field to select one from the List of Values.
Description - The description automatically displays from Product Main.
Last Issue Date - This value automatically displays with the date of the last issue to the unit.
First Meter - Read-only field. The primary meter reading.
Second Meter - Read-only field. Secondary meter reading.
Tank Capacity - Enter a tank capacity for the unit so the ICU can monitor the amount of fuel being dispensed and not exceed capacity.
Max Daily Fuelings - Maximum number of fuelings allowed for the unit on a daily basis (for use only with FuelFocus).
Max Daily Qty - Maximum quantity (for example, total gallons) allowed per day (for use only with FuelFocus).
ORVR Fitted - Indicates if the unit has an Onboard Refueling Vapor Recovery vehicle emission control system to capture fuel vapors from the vehicle gas tank during refueling.
Primary Flag - Indicated the primary fuel product for the unit. Only one product can be the primary product.
The Cards tab allows you to setup unit cards for fueling purposes. You can also set up these cards on the Product Setup Fuel Cards frame. Any cards setup on the Product Setup Fuel Cards frame for the unit will display. After configured, these fuel cards can be used for fuel transactions at Island Control Units (ICUs).
Card No – This field has a limit of 25 characters.
Effective Date – Effective date for the department fuel card.
Expiration Date – Date the department fuel card expires.
Vendor No. – Must be a valid vendor number on Vendor Main.
Pin – Card PIN number. Limited to four characters (to be used at ICU).
Prompt ID – Limit of 10 characters.
Message Text – Message to display at pump.
Disable Card – Select Yes or No from the dropdown to disable an existing card. Select SAVE to updated the record and disable the card.
Card Notes – Select the Card Notes icon to add any additional information about the card.
You can delete an existing card by selecting a row to make it active. Select the DELETE button at the top of the frame. The selected row will turn red. Select SAVE to delete the record.
See the System Flags Table for a complete listing of System Flags.
Last Updated: 10/11/2021
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.