Core Credit Tracking and Processing varies greatly from one fleet organization to another. However, the purpose of core tracking remains the same: to receive a credit from the vendor when returning a part that contains a core. The vendor identifies core parts as well as the potential value of the credit.
There are two main questions:
Since a core credit is never definitive, customers are not guaranteed anything when returning it to the vendor. Two important factors determine if the vendor honors the full value of the core credit:
One important thing to remember is that the core charge and credit have no actual monetary impact unless it is charged out with the Part Issue transaction on a Work Order or until applying the core credit using the Core Claim functionality. With every transaction, the Part Journal table tracks the core value throughout the life of the part. This allows for reporting on all parts with cores and their potential value.
Core Processing in M5 has two main facets:
M5 has two fields on the part_inv_loc table pertaining to cores. The first is Core Charge and the second is Core Tracking Y/N. These fields identify parts that have core charges.
There are four transactions that will trigger the recording of data for parts with cores:
The parts can be stock or non-stock. It is important to remember that the core charge as it exists on these transactions is simply a potential core credit for reporting purposes only.
Core Tracking is the ability to track the actual core itself once removing the core from the part.
The fields Core Charge and Core Tracking appear on both the Part Main Catalog and the Part Inventory Location Manager. Core Tracking functionality uses both of these fields to identify parts with cores and their charges.
System Flags:
5208 - Core Tracking? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', adds core transactions to the Core Tracking frame. If set to 'N', core transactions will not be recorded on the Core Tracking frame.
5209 - Add Core Charge to Part Issue Extended Cost? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', the Core Charge will be added to the extended cost line for Part Issues.
5251 - Create Core Claim from Core Tracking? (Y/N) - If this flag is set to 'Y', you can create mass or core claim from the Core Tracking frame.
5252 - Default Direct Account for Core Credits - Value entered here will be the default Direct Account for Core Credits.
Part with Core - Purchased
When ordering a part with core charge via a Purchase Order, the PO will contain the Core Charge value entered on the Part Inventory Location record. If the part does not yet exist in inventory and you are creating the part on the fly, then the core charge is entered either when creating the part or on the row of the Purchase Order frame.
If needed, a user can change an existing core charge value directly on the row of the Purchase Order. The Part Journal will store the core charge once the receipt transaction is posted.
Part with Core - Issued from Inventory
When issuing a part with a core, M5 identifies the part as having a core and creates a row on the Core Tracking frame. Core Tracking stores parts with cores in various statuses:
When using Work Order Main or Part Issue to issue a part with a core, the Core Cost can only be changed or added during the actual issue. It cannot be modified after saving the part issue. To change the core charge after saving, use the Core Tracking frame.
The Core Tracking frame will display the transaction with a status of 'Waiting' along with Work Order/Unit details related to the core. Users can review and adjust the core charge on the transaction and submit the Core Return Memo report to a vendor by clicking the Print - Generate Core Return Documents icon. Upon receiving the claim credit, the core status can be changed to 'Finalized'.
Work Order Main allows the user to print a part tag for use in the Core Tracking Process. To print the tag, select the Print Tag check box on the part issue row. The Print Tag displays work order number, unit number, and part issue date. It can be attached to the part for labeling purposes.
Part with Core - Transfers
When transferring a part with a core from one location to another, the core charge from the receiving location is the charge that applies on Part Transfer frame. If the transferred part is not on inventory at the receiving location, then the core charge from the shipping location applies.
Once the transfer is received, the core charge becomes part of the receipt transfer in the part journal. This process applies to both parts with cores and just the cores themselves. If transferring only the core, the receiving location must be entered.
The transfer of the core takes place automatically. The receiving location does not have to manually receive the core. It will appear on the Core Tracking from for that location along with a note indicating the shipping location.
Part with Core - Return
The core charge will follow through to the return process as a transaction in the part journal when a part with a core is returned from a unit, department, component, work order or stock inventory. The core charge will be a negative amount which is the same as the part cost during the part return. If there is a Core Tracking record for the part, it will display a status of 'Cancelled'.
This will be the case for part returns from stock to the vendor as well as issued part returns. Negative receipts are the only transaction that will not have a core charge applied. The negative receipt process is designed to return obsolete stock parts to any vendor at any price and therefore a core charge cannot be determined.
Core Processing Overview Reference Guide
Last Update: 06/28/2016
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