Billing Charge Back

The Billing Charge-Back frame allows you to define Job Reasons, Work Accomplished Codes, System and System/Component codes to be considered in billing as well as what Department to bill, where to find the expense account source and which Billing Item to use.


There is an additional option for Work Order transactions (labor,parts, commercial) called 'Chargeback' on the Billing Item Source frame. This can also apply to parts issued directly to a unit.


NOTE: The Default Row will be used if 'Chargeback' is selected on Billing Item Source and no job reason exists on this frame for the particular Billing Code. If 'Chargeback' is being used on part charges and the parts are issued directly to a unit, there will be no job reason to check. The system will check the value of System Flag 1177 - Default Remote-Labor Visit Reason. If that job reason is listed, M5 will use that department to bill and expense account source. If it is not listed, M5 will use the Default Row parameters for that information.


To add a new row, enter the Billing Code or double click in the code field to select one from the list of values (LOV).


You can enter one, all, or a combination of the following information. Configuration will be based on what best suits the needs of your organization. 'Chargeback' must be selected for M5 to look at these parameters.


Job Reason - Must be a valid job reason. If work is performed for a unit or department with this billing code and job reason, M5 will use this billing charge-back configuration.

WAC - Work Accomplished Code, this can be entered in combination with a job reason or on its own.

Sys Number - System Code, this can be combined with a WAC and/or job reason or can be entered on its own.

Comp Number - Assembly Code, like the fields before it, this can be entered in combination with other fields or on its own as a stand alone parameter.

Sys/Comp Description - This field will populate automatically based on the information in the System and Component fields.

Department to Bill - Who should be billed? The choices are: Don't Bill, Owning Department, or Using Department.

Expense Account Source - This determines where M5 looks for the Expense Account Source. The choices are: Don't Bill; Using Department; Owning Department; Unit, then Using Department; Unit, then Owning Department.

Always Bill with this Billing Item - You can enter a valid billing item here to use instead of the billing item on the Billing Item Source frame.


When finished entering the charge-back parameters, click the Save button at the top of the frame.


To delete a row, click in the row you want to delete to make it active. Click the Delete button (Red X). The selected row will turn red. Click the Save button to delete the row from the list.


System Flags


1177 - Default Remote-Labor Visit Reason? - Value entered here will be the default visit reason when opening a work order remotely.


See also:

Billing Application User Training Guide




Last Update 06/14/2016



NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.


Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.