The Product Issue Vendor frame allows you to track commercial fuel issues that are not entered through a fuel interface. You can issue a product directly from a vendor to a unit or department using this frame. For transactions issued from system inventory see Product Issue Inventory.
You can issue fuel products for Normal or Electric fuel types.
Other Information i-frame
Other Information i-frame
Select the row to delete.
Select DELETE.
1111 - Fuel tax calculation available? - If "Y", product issues calculate the amount of tax due or refundable for each issue transaction based on the setup on Product Tax Rates and Product Tax Codes. A refund is calculated for transactions where the tax is pre-paid and the unit has an off-road percentage greater than zero. A tax due is calculated for transactions where the tax is not pre-paid and the unit has an off-road percentage less than 100. This flag is ignored, and Tax Schemes used instead, if flag 5347 is "Y" for commercial issues or flag 5348 is "Y" for in-house issues.
1125 - P.O. Prefix (Contract P.O.s) - P.O. Prefix (Contract POs) The prefix indicated in the User Value column will be added to all Contract Pos created in the Purchase Order frame.
1126 - P.O. Prefix (Non-Contract P.O.s) - P.O. Prefix (Non-Contract POs) The prefix indicated here will be added to all Non-Contract POs. Please note: It is possible to use the same prefix for both Contract and Non-Contract POs if the user desires.
1198 - Calculate markup on commercial fuel $ ? - Calculate markup on commercial fuel $? This flag allows the user to define if fuel charges should be marked up for billing to accounts. The default for this flag is N. Used in both M5 and fuel interfaces.
1329 - Give warning when fueling location is different from fuel dispensing location? - Setting this flag to "Y" will display warning message when the fueling location on the unit is not the same as the fueling location dispensing the fuel.
2016 - Indicate the number of User defined columns for Product Issue - Number of User defined columns in Product Issue? This field allows the user to access an additional three columns in all Product Issue frames. The default is 0 and the maximum is 6.
2030 - Total number of characters in P.O. number. - Total number of characters in the sequential P.O. number. Automatically-generated purchase order numbers will always be this length, with the value of module flag 1125, 1126 or the location prefix in the left most column and a sequential number to the right, and zero-filled in the middle. For example, if the value of this module flag is 8, and the value of module flag 1126 is "PC", and the next sequential number is 123, then the purchase order number will be "PC00000123". If this module flag is "0", then the length of the purchase order number is variable and is not zero-filled.
5077 - Employee Required Flag (Y/N/blank) - Is employee required on the Product Issue Inventory screen? Valid values are:
Y - Employee is required, N - Employee is not required (unless set to required for the unit/dept on Product Setup Unit/Department), Blank - Check the Employee Required Flag (Set on Product Setup Unit or Product Setup Department)
5155 - Decimals displayed for Fuel Price - Indicates the number of decimal places to show on fuel transaction screens. Valid values are 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
5168 - Defaulting issue date, product and price field from the line entry above? - Setting this flag to "Y" will default issue date, product and price field from the line entry above on product issue screens.
5264 - Prompt to verify product code on Product Issue? - If this module flag is set to "Y", after entering the product number on the Product Issue Vendor frame, prompt the user to verify that they have entered the correct product number, if the unit has more than one product associated with it.
5347 - Use tax schemes for commercial fuel issues to units and departments? (Y/N/O) - The default will be N. When flag value is Y, then apply tax scheme when commercial fuel issue to department (unit using department); If O, apply tax scheme when commercial fuel issue to department those flagged as outside organization.
5385 - Vendor Invoice duplication warning? (W/V/N) - The default will be N. No validation,allow duplicate vendor and invoice combination. W = Warning message that vendor and invoice combination have been used, allow user to continue. V = Warning message that vendor and invoice combination have been used, do not allow user to continue.
EDIT METER 1 - Authority to update Meter 1.
EDIT METER 2 - Authority to update Meter 2.
Location Main
Product Issue Inventory
Product Setup Department
Product Setup Employee
State and
Country Codes
Unit Main
Unit Product Setup
Vendor Main
Fuel Process User
Last Update: 10/17/2016, 03/2023
NOTE: To view a list of System Flags and Role Privileges that may impact this screen, hover over the screen title in M5 to display the bubble help/tooltip. At the bottom of the bubble help/tool tip, there is a Settings hyperlink. Click that hyperlink to display the list of flags and privileges.
Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.