The Employee Planned Absences frame allows you to view and setup an employee's planned absence dates. You can specify a range of dates for an employee's vacation as well.
A planned absence must be a date in the future. The frame only saves vacation days with a shift duration greater than zero. Refer to the Shift Maintenance frame for more information.
Note: You will not be able to set up a planned absence that spans a holiday. You will have to break out the holiday's time.
For example:
Holidays in the system (from Holiday Calendar screen) for 12/25/2018, 12/26/2018, 1/1/2019.
User attempts to add a Planned Absence from 12/21/2018 to 01/03/2019.
System forces user to add 12/21/2018-12/25/2018, then a line for 12/27/2018-1/1/2019, then a third line for 1/2/2019-1/3/2019.
To view, add, or modify an employee's planned absences, enter a valid Employee ID from Employee Main or double click in the field to select one from the list of values (LOV).
The employee's Name, Status, Shift Code, and Shift Description will populate automatically. Enter a valid starting Fiscal Period or select one from the LOV. Any existing planned absences will display in the section below. This may include any company holidays setup on the Holiday Calendar.
To add a new planned absence, scroll to the bottom of the list and enter a valid code in the Indirect Account field. Typically an organization will have a designated account for holidays and/or vacation time.
Enter a Start and End Date for the planned absence. The Planned Absence Description field has a limit of 24 characters. Next enter a Time Type, Union (if applicable), Pay Class and Step for the employee's planned absence.
When finished click the Save button at the top of the frame to update the employee's planned absences list.
Note: Indirect Account code transactions for planned absences are posted daily by the System Run Planned Absences Process. This Batch Process can be set from the Batch Process Manager frame for a specified time each day. To see the planned absences populated out to the employee's Labor Time Cards, this process must run.
See Labor Management Application User Training for more information.
Last Update: 05/07/2019
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Additional training and technical documents on this subject may be available in the Resource Files area.